1033 Left

£10k MONSTER CASH! 51 Chances to Win!


Maximum tickets per user: 200

Our BIGGEST Ever Competition!!


£5000 Main Prize PLUS £5000 in Instant Wins!! 


Main Prize

£5000 Drawn when the timer ends or when the competitions sells out, whichever is soonest!

Live Draw: Thursday 27th April, 8pm!

Instant Wins

Have 50 chances to win a prize instantly!

You will be allocated a random ticket number, and if you match one of the numbers below, you will win that prize.

Site Credit Wins are Automatically added to your Account Wallet within 5mins!

If you win a Physical or Cash Prize; We will be in touch by email or text, usually within 24hrs.

All entries will be entered into the Main Prize Draw regardless of whether you hit an Instant Win or not.

Good Luck!!

Ticket Prize Winner
500 £250 Cash
1000 £250 Cash
1500 £250 Cash Conor
2000 £250 Cash Lori
2500 £250 Cash Conor
111 £100 Cash Conor
222 £100 Cash Nova Nova Pavalova
333 £100 Cash Eilidh Skye
444 £100 Cash
555 £100 Cash courtmack75
666 £100 Cash Eilidh Skye
777 £100 Cash
888 £100 Cash Rhia Mackinnon
999 £100 Cash Marc Sturrock
1111 £100 Cash SC
1222 £100 Cash Kathleen Morrison
1333 £100 Cash
1444 £100 Cash Never Lucky anymore !!
1555 £100 Cash Eilidh Skye
1666 £100 Cash Bow chickka wow wow
1777 £100 Cash sam1motorsport
1888 £100 Cash
1999 £100 Cash Conor
2111 £100 Cash
2222 £100 Cash Eilidh Skye
2333 £100 Cash Fiona Macleod
2444 £100 Cash
2555 £100 Cash
2666 £100 Cash Lori
2777 £100 Cash Invernessgal
2888 £100 Cash Steph M
2999 £100 Cash
3111 £100 Cash Fiona Macleod
3222 £100 Cash
3333 £100 Cash
5 £50 Cash Fiona Macleod
50 £50 Cash Shaun Moat
250 £50 Cash Kayla McNab
550 £50 Cash Lori
750 £50 Cash
1050 £50 Cash zoe33.zs
1250 £50 Cash Marc Sturrock
1550 £50 Cash Invernessgal
1750 £50 Cash
2050 £50 Cash Fiona Macleod
2250 £50 Cash Gayle Macrae
2550 £50 Cash Invernessgal
2750 £50 Cash chashous21
3050 £50 Cash Marc Sturrock
3250 £50 Cash Invernessgal
Winner Name Ticket Number Draw Date
Connie Denoon 1933 27/04/2023
Live Facebook Draw


See Ts & Cs for free postal entry route.
Please check your name and number in the entry list below after payment.

Ticket Number Date Name
1 2023-04-07 16:54:28 sam1motorsport
4 2023-04-02 10:21:02 Sarah Clowe
5 2023-04-04 23:52:46 Fiona Macleod
8 2023-04-22 21:42:44 Marc Sturrock
11 2023-04-08 08:23:30 Marc Sturrock
14 2023-04-20 17:14:44 Michelle Ramsay
15 2023-04-26 13:36:10 Jade Sutcliffe
17 2023-04-09 11:18:10 Marc Sturrock
18 2023-04-02 11:06:34 Rhia Mackinnon
20 2023-04-21 07:41:22 Alexanderia Gray
21 2023-04-17 20:53:31 Matthew Macleod
22 2023-04-27 07:22:40 Gayle Macrae
25 2023-04-10 20:26:22 Matthew Macleod
26 2023-04-23 19:25:10 Fiona Macleod
27 2023-04-10 19:32:59 Alanna Ayres
28 2023-04-11 20:53:37 chashous21
29 2023-04-22 10:05:25 chashous21
30 2023-04-09 11:18:10 Marc Sturrock
31 2023-04-23 10:05:30 Eilidh Skye
33 2023-04-22 13:33:24 Lori
34 2023-04-22 08:38:04 Grandad Yoda
36 2023-04-23 06:28:56 Invernessgal
37 2023-04-26 22:36:15 James Harnetty
38 2023-04-22 20:02:25 Amy Ross
39 2023-04-25 15:13:33 Karen Walker
40 2023-04-13 12:41:18 Rebecca Bartlett
41 2023-04-02 23:22:35 Fiona Macleod
42 2023-04-25 13:48:56 Karen LIGERTWOOD
43 2023-04-17 15:07:48 Elle Wagstaffe
44 2023-03-30 10:34:57 chashous21
45 2023-04-26 19:04:21 Steph M
46 2023-04-27 17:04:30 Justified ancients of mu mu
47 2023-04-10 22:46:03 Invernessgal
48 2023-04-18 10:15:45 chashous21
49 2023-04-05 05:59:03 deanmcfarlane11
50 2023-04-26 15:17:27 Shaun Moat
52 2023-04-08 15:17:24 Marc Sturrock
53 2023-04-07 16:39:00 Conor
54 2023-04-26 17:15:05 Louise
55 2023-04-08 15:17:24 Marc Sturrock
56 2023-04-25 19:54:17 Heather Davison
57 2023-04-17 23:12:13 sam1motorsport
58 2023-04-17 20:34:15 Lori
61 2023-04-27 08:59:53 Marion Kennedy
62 2023-04-07 11:34:48 weestephy.96
64 2023-03-30 18:37:21 Conor
66 2023-04-25 01:21:27 Linda Smith
67 2023-04-04 18:16:02 Eilidh Skye
68 2023-03-30 15:46:51 Steph M
70 2023-04-08 08:23:30 Marc Sturrock
71 2023-04-24 12:12:43 valerie Brown
72 2023-04-26 15:17:27 Shaun Moat
73 2023-04-26 16:03:32 Monica Cormack
74 2023-04-27 00:09:32 Jennifer Gill
75 2023-04-24 21:56:58 Conor
77 2023-04-08 08:18:09 Marc Sturrock
78 2023-03-30 01:22:32 Penny Manson
81 2023-04-24 13:19:59 JS
82 2023-04-04 22:43:38 Nova Nova Pavalova
83 2023-04-10 23:06:09 Invernessgal
84 2023-04-08 10:35:10 Lori
85 2023-04-09 21:46:47 Linda Manson
86 2023-04-24 19:24:43 Kayla McNab
88 2023-04-06 16:42:31 Invernessgal
89 2023-04-25 13:27:49 Steph M
90 2023-04-08 15:17:24 Marc Sturrock
91 2023-04-22 09:36:40 Donald Mackie
93 2023-04-24 20:22:42 Matthew Macleod
94 2023-04-08 08:23:30 Marc Sturrock
95 2023-04-23 10:05:30 Eilidh Skye
96 2023-04-24 11:41:28 Lesley MacLennan
98 2023-04-20 17:15:11 Holli Sneddon
99 2023-04-27 10:35:24 Elle Wagstaffe